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      Mars International Group's mission is to ensure that owners and managers who really strive for their business to be energy efficient actually achieve the goal. By concentrating exclusively on the field of energy saving and management, Mars International Group has taken on a new and more dynamic business model in line with their globalization plans. We now market a full suite of services in the likes of Design and Build, Consultancy, Facilities Management and Investment Collaboration, giving us the capability to provide full turnkey services to our customers. In addition, Mars International Group's specialists are able to stay on the leading edge of energy conservations and efficient technology worldwide. This is achieved with using the most advanced technologies whether in design and builds or from the most advanced equipments, coupled with implementation of management strategies and opening sequences.


      Mars International Group Ltd. is a Macau based Company acting as the agent for Tech Team Development Limited Products. Tech Team Development Limited is among the pioneers of Hong Kong based providers of total cost effective Energy Management Solutions (EMS) to the China and ASEAN markets. Tech Team services include consulting, designing, producing and sourcing both products and technologies. End-users range from manufacturing, industrial and commerical to retail. Our flagship product, Eco-Pro Energy Saver, decontaminates power supply systems, eliminates voltage and current distortions and restores the ideal sinusoidal current and voltage waveform. This results in protecting the sensitivity of electronic control systems, achieving optimum energy saving and efficiency, reducing maintenance costs and prolonging the lifespan of all equipment.
      Since then we have expanded to provide a full range of products and services applicable to the various tiers in the business cycle.


      We strive to become a leader in Asia in providing technologically advanced Energy Management Solutions.


      Three key strategies will allow us to realize our vision and fulfill our mission; to be innovative and technologically ahead; maintain the highest level quality in all aspects of our business and develop a mutually beneficial partnership network reaching all corners of Asia.


Tech Team Development Limited is wholly-owned by Global Innovative Systems Inc.

Global Innovative Systems Inc. (OTCBB: GBSY) is at the forefront of delivering total energy management solutions. Since 1999, over 100 commercial, industrial, government and multi-residential clients have benefited from Global Innovative's solutions.

From Energy Audits, to customized design, supply of leading-edge products and technical consultancy, Global Innovative delivers proven solutions which optimize energy consumption, lower costs and enhance competitiveness for clients.



Facilities Management                                                               
Renewable Energy
Site & Project Management
Manufacturing & Energy Management
Investment Partner
Technology Innovation, Research & Development


Eco-Pro Energy Saver
Eco-Pro Energy Saver Energy Saver for Centralized Air-conditioning System
Eco-Pro Energy Saver for Road Lighting System
High Performance Fluorescent Tube
Eco-Pro Variable Speed Drives (VSD) and Efficiency Optimisers
Eco-pro Energy Saver for Injection Molding Machines
Solar Boiling System
Motor Controller Series
Voltage Stabilizers for Lighting Circuits
Power Factor Correction (PFC)
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS)
Active Harmonic Filter
HVAC Heat Recycle System
Ecomaster Comprehensive Water Treatment System
Scale Hunter Hard Water Treatment System
DryKor - Dry Conditioning System
Aihua products catalogue (Lighting)
LED lighting ( please check on http://www.luminousnet.com/about.htm )


Common Questions

1) How is on-site testing performed?
A computerized tester will be placed for measuring and recording of power consumption before installation.
2) How long does it take to complete the testing?
On average, it will take 3-5 days to complete the testing.
3) How long does it take to install?
On average, it will take 3-6 hours for an installation, depending on the location of the transformer.
4) How long is the payback period?
Normally, the return on investment can be expected within 24 to 36 months. The larger the electricity consumption, the shorter the payback period will be.
5) What kind of benefit can Eco-pro provide to customers?
- Minimize electricity billing
- Reduced consumption in KW hours
- Longer equipment life
- Improved power efficiency
6) What is the regular maintenance interval during the 10 year warranty period?
Inspection will be carried out once a year.
7) Will the installation of Eco-pro affect the daily business operations?
Installation will be carried out in the most appropriate times to suit each client's particular business schedules with the least disturbance to daily operations.
8) Will Eco-pro affect the provision of electricity?
The "Eco-pro" energy saver has no bearing on power supply.
9) Will any assistance be provided on financing if required?
We offer various financial packages to our clients including lease to own, rental and bank financing.
10) What kind of after-services will be provided?
All sales contracts will be attached with a comprehensive maintenance schedule. In addition, a 24-hour customer service hotline is available for emergency repairs.
11) What does maintenance service cover?
Our maintenance service covers annual examination of the following:
- Input voltages and currents
- Internal dust accumulation
- Fanning system
- Electricity leakage
- Temperature fluctuations
- Internal water accumulation
- Internal rust / damage
12) What kind of energy savings can be achieved?
On the average, savings between 12-15% for lighting circuits and 8-10% for power circuit can be achieved, which varies with the power supply voltage.
13) Does the Eco-pro affect the lifespan of the equipment?
It prolongs the lifespan of most equipment.
14) Can Eco-pro overheat?
Eco-pro is made of H-grade insulation material. Under normal circumstances, overheating will not occur.

                        Energy Saver system Clients<<<< Click here to see who are our clients 



星火國際集團在國內及亞洲市場是一所具備精良管理及專業性強的企業,公司產品經過持續的科技改進﹔業務不斷拓展,為客戶提供一站式的顧問、設計及生產服務。 星火的資深工程師擁有著深遠而全面的環保節能知識,與世界各地的研究所保持緊密的聯繫,積極網羅世界各地的產品及科技,務求為各行各業創造良好環境。 星火能利用先進的科技儀器,提供一套特定方案來提高公司的水準,使客戶獲得突破性的節能效果。透過詳細的研究與分析更考慮到資源運用及投資決策的重要性,特別度身訂造節電方案給各用戶,其中包括技術方案、回報分析等項目,務求在營運及投資決策上提供最詳盡的資料。 三頂最主要的策略促使星火之目標能得以實行及發展﹔星火這所具備精良管理及專業性強的企業、維持高水準的服務予各客戶、發展一項互惠互利的合作模式予國內及亞洲各地的合作夥伴。


星火國際集團有限公司是一間在澳門迅速發展中的公了司。  科添發展有限公司是本公司的合作夥伴,  也是本公司代理的品牌之一。 科添是一間為客戶提供「一站式」節能方案的技術性公司。 擁有一班專業而資深的工程隊伍,既擁用一系列自行研究的「環電保」節能系統,亦引進其他外國先進環保節能設備,在不影響現有運作之大前題下,為客戶提供全面性的節能方案,最終為客戶帶來經濟效益。 「環電保」節能系統開始於 2000 年,在完成各項測試和取得相關質檢認後,即開始在中國、香港、澳門等地推出該省電設備和其他節能顧問服務,並代理各國先進的環保節能產品。「環電保」節能產品系列計有﹕(1) 綜合節電器、(2) 中央空調節能系統、(3) 注塑機專用節能系統、(4) 風機水泵節能系統和各類省電照明燈具等。

除了 2002 年成功取得 ISO﹕9001﹕2000 質量管理系統認證的「環電保 」節能系統外,科添成功研發一種帶有創新先進技術的路燈節能系統,利用自動化的調控裝置,減少不必要的能源浪費,及廷長燈具的使用壽命,減少維護維修開支,並且具備完善保護監控功能以提高照明系統的可靠性。在正常使用條件下,其節電效可達 25% 以上。 該系統已在中山、珠海等地進行試點工程,效果顯著。並推介到新加坡政府的路政部門。

此外,科添可因應客戶的不同需要,為顧客進行能源審計和各式各樣的技術顧問服務。 承接各類機電工程和項目管理監督工作。

除了在系統改造外, 科添提供多種付款方式,以減少客戶在投資上的考慮,最終給客戶帶來更大的經濟效益。 並且有完善之節能保養服務,可確保系統改造後,整體維修一個高節能水平。



LED 產品  ( 請參考 http://www.luminousnet.com/about.htm )  

                          節能系統客户<<<< 請按我們的客戶 

                                                    Office Locations /   辦事處

Hong Kong / 香港                                                                                                                   

28/F., Aitken Vanson Centre, No. 61 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong  

香港九龍官塘開源道61號金米蘭中心28樓                                                                                              Tel: (852) 2959 7285   Tel: (852) 2959 7286   Fax: (852) 2310 4824

Macau / 澳門  

                                                                                                                                                   Esrada De Repouso 68-70A R/C, Macau                                                                                                                                                  Tel: (853) 2875 2349   Fax: (853) 2875 2390

China / 中國

                                                                                                                                                         廣東省深圳市福田區泰然九路海松大廈A棟502A                                                                                   Tel: (86) 755 3300 0810   Fax: (86) 755 8273 4306


Tel: (86) 760 6337 740   Fax: (86) 760 6332 200

Official Website / 網頁:        http://www.marsies.com

