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贊助活動Events Sponsoring

                                                  " 贊助節目及活動 (Events Sponsoring)"

•  贊助10月23日2005年"香港行山會"周年慶祝晚會 (玉壽堂)                                                                         Sponsoring "Hong Kong's Hiking Club" annual dinner function on Oct 23rd, 2005  (YST Vinegar)

 • 贊助11月4日2005年"香港中文大學"中醫晚會 (玉壽堂)                                                                              Sponsoring "The Chinese University Of Hong Kong" annual dinner function on November 4th, 2005  (YST Vinegar)

 • 贊助11月14日2005年"關愛行動" 成立日 (玉壽堂)                                                                                     Sponsoring "MISSION LOVE & CARE" opening day function on November 14th, 2005  (YST Vinegar)

 • 贊助由2月1日至4月30日2006年 香港亞洲電視 ATV  "下午麼麽茶"  節目 (玉壽堂)Sponsoring ATV  afternoon's talk show "下午麼麼茶" from February 1st, 2006 to April 30th, 2006 (YST Vinegar)

• 贊助11月16日2006年"WHY CLUB" Paul Marsha 時裝表演 (玉壽堂)                                                             Sponsoring "WHY CLUB" Pre-Opening Paul Marsha Fashion show on November 16th, 2006  (YST Vinegar)

 • 贊助12月1日2006年"WHY CLUB" 開幕典禮 (玉壽堂)                                                                                 Sponsoring "WHY CLUB" Grand Opening Ceremony on December 1st, 2006  (YST Vinegar)

• 贊助12月1日2006年"WHY CLUB" 開幕典禮 (Kiss Shop)                                                                                    Sponsoring "WHY CLUB" Grand Opening Ceremony on December 1st, 2006  (Kiss Shop)

• 贊助12月12日2006年"香港互動電視"兩週年台慶 (玉壽堂)                                                                           Sponsoring "The Interactive Channel Television" 2 Years Annual Celebration on December 12th, 2006  (YST Vinegar)

• 贊助12月12日2006年"香港互動電視"兩週年台慶  (Why Club)                                                                         Sponsoring "The Interactive Channel Television" 2 Years Annual Celebration on December 12th, 2006  (Why Club)

• 贊助12月12日2006年"香港互動電視"兩週年台慶  (Kiss Shop)                                                                      Sponsoring "The Interactive Channel Television" 2 Years Annual Celebration on December 12th, 2006  (Kiss Shop)

• 贊助9月16日2007年"2007成人宣誓日"(凱曰集團)                                                                                              Sponsoring "Dia de Compromisso de Adulto 2007" on September 16th, 2007 (Solus Group)

• 贊助10月20日2007年至1月12日2008年 "瑜伽學堂" 同步直播: 互動電視歡樂健康台, 有線電視27台, 香港寬頻506台,  網上直播 www.tictv.com 及室外大電視 (LTC)                                                                                          Sponsoring "i YOGA" Live TV Show : The Interactive Channel Television Health & Lifestyle Channel, i-cable Channel 27,  bbtv broadband 506,  www.tictv.com,  and public big screen TV from October, 20th, 2007 to January 12th, 2008 (LTC)

• 贊助5月8日2008年“澳門節能協會”成立暨第一屆理監事就職典禮 (凱日娛樂製作)                                                                                                                                                                            Sponsoring  "Macau Energy Savings Association Establishment Ceremony" on May 5th, 2008 (Solus Entertainment productions)

• 贊助7月6日2008年 "2008香港汽車慈善巡遊"(凱曰集團)                                                                            Sponsoring "2008 Hong Kong Vehicle Charity Drive" on July 6th, 2008 (Solus Group Co. Ltd.)

• 贊助7月6日2008年 "2008香港汽車慈善巡遊" (Grande Vittoria Motorsports)                                            Sponsoring "2008 Hong Kong Vehicle Charity Drive" on July 6th, 2008 (Grande Vittoria Motorsports)