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                                               Showroom Location :

  Flat B, 3rd Floor, No.55 Paterson Street, Vienna Mansion, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


                               Tel: (852) 8101 8006     Fax : (852) 3620 3299

Grande Vittoria Motorsports的成立便是令大眾有一個途徑接觸賽車運動,提供專業及完善的訓練系统,令香港及國內的賽車文化及技術不斷的擴展,甚至有機會能參與這項運動的國際舞臺。

 萬丈高樓從地起,每位世界頂級的一級方程式車手( 如AYRTON SENNA及MICHAEL SCHUMACHER),他們都是經過小型賽車這塊踏腳石,磨練好基本技術之後,才一步一步地踏上其職業生涯。所以Grande Vittoria Motorsports的訓練系统亦由小型賽車運動開始,令參與者豐富基本賽車知識及技術提升後再參與房車及方程式賽事時便事半功倍了。

Grande Vittoria Motorsports 這個完善的訓練系统共分三個模式:

1. 為推廣小型賽車運動,Grande Vittoria Motorsports會定期舉辦公開模擬比賽,及協助一些公司或團體安排完善而有趣的小型賽車活動,令大家能夠以最簡單而經濟的途徑接觸Karting這項運動之餘,更能夠提升在道路上對駕駛汽車的操控及反應。

 2. 提供比賽專用賽車及加深認識賽車調教技術,提升基本技術之餘,更為參與專業小型賽車比賽作出最佳準備。

 3. 參加者的技術達標後,本會更可安排參與國內及國外賽事,如澳門亞洲賽、馬來西亞及日本錦標賽等,讓參加者進一步學習國際性賽事的規則、高層次技術、專業知識及提升參加者的適應能力,加深體驗國際賽事的多方面知識。



小型賽車比賽的階段完成後,Grande Vittoria Motorsports可安排參加者升級至國內外的房車賽 ( 1600cc & 2000cc )及方程式 ( Forumla BMW & Formula Renault ) 進行練習及參加比賽。進一步認識專業賽車的技術及知識,學習多元化技能,如駕駛技術、調教技術,電子設備、體能訓練及公關技巧等。

 此外,Grande Vittoria Motorsports更設立展銷中心,令大眾可選購合適的專業小型賽車用品及設備,更可代訂歐洲各大名牌賽車機器及配件供比賽用途。。


 Grande Vittoria Motorsports更定期舉辦及參與慈善活動,如汽車慈善巡遊、社區關懷活動及參與四川大地震的振災行動,將愛心帶給社會上有需要幫助的人仕,亦把運動精神傳遍社會每一個角落。

 Grande Vittoria Motorsports Club以會員形式創立,舉辦多類型活動及與不同國家作賽車運動上的文化交流。並且會員每年更可在日常生活裡享有不同的消費優惠如潮流服飾、電子產品、飲食及美容等。

令生活上更多色彩,請立即行動,加入Grande Vittoria Motorsports Club

查詢可致電 8101 8006 或親臨 Grande Vittoria Motorsports 展銷中心

Grande Vittoria Motorsports is a Hong Kong locally based motorsports organization. We provide a direct channel for any individuals who are interested in participating in any from of motorsports. Whether you are a beginner, semi-professional, seasonal veteran or just a motorsports enthusiast, we offer complete professional training programs that would definitely improve and sharpen your driving skills. We’re willing to try anything within reason to give you an experience that is unlike anything you have done. It’s time to schedule your driving experience right here, right now. Stop thinking how much you would love to drive a race car, and start your racing experience at Grande vittoria Motorsports now. Here at GV Motorsports , our intention is very simple, our goal is to promote the sport of motor racing in Hong Kong / China. Be part of us, the next racing legend just might be you……….   

 Racing legends such as Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher, they started their careers as a professional race car driver at a very young age; and no doubt kart racing was their basic stepping stone towards Formula one. This is why Vittoria Motorsports focuses on the basics right from the start – KARTING.
We want you to enjoy, understand what is real racing, and learn how to race like your driving heroes.

 Grande Vittoria Motorsports 3 steps Motor racing training program:To promote the sport of kart racing, we will be organizing regular races on government approved race tracks for our own members as well as setting up racing events for different organizations. Holding these venues regularly will definitely give our racing enthusiast a safe place to practice and improve their driving skills.

 Providing professional instructor and racing karts for our members and explaining in detail the art of tuning a racing kart for different racing conditions and level.

 After complete training and if the individual is able to meet technical racing standards, GV Motorsports will arrange for the member to enter into races around the world to gain more racing experience.

 After completing and passing our training program, GV Motorsports and China Sports Federation will issue our member with a China Sports Federation nationally certified and approved racing certificate. Reaching this step meaning you will be able to enter into China’s national (1600cc & 2000cc ) Sedan training and races, as well as ( Forumla BMW & Formula Renault ) Formula training and races. NOW, Your road to becoming a professional race car driver has begin.

 In addition, Grande Vittoria Motorsports has a display showroom available for our members to purchase racing gears, accessories and parts. If there a part that you are looking for which we do not have in stock, we can special order that just for you, whether is a major brand name racing kart or just a simple replacement part, we can do it all for you.

 Grande Vittoria Motorsports is not just another company out there to make money, we also want to make dreams come to life. If you have the heart for it, nothing is impossible. Each year, we will be participating and hosting different charity events, such as charity drive , earth quake relief donation programs, etc. Our intention is to bring out the true meaning of sportsmanship and the spirit of uniting people to make others’wishes come true.


COME JOIN US NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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