YST Vinegar, namely “Yu Shou Cu” and “Yu Yan Cu”, outshines the rest of vinegars for its unequalled quality. YST Vinegars are brewed with non-contaminated spring water with sweet rice along with Chinese herbs of renowned quality. Every step of the production process is carefully examined to ensure the best and highest standards.
YST Vinegars are originated from an ancient formula passed down by the mysterious rare “Miao” race of China. The people of “Miao”race lived in the mountains remote from other races and seemingly far behind from civilizations. When they were finally contacted, others were fascinated by their talents, especially by their medical knowledge. The “Miao”people were different in that most of them were very healthy. The secrets of Miao's beauty and longevity were eventually discovered - “They Took Vinegar Every Meal, Everyday!”
• ISO 9001 2000 Zhongdahuayuan Certification Centre (ZDHY) Quality Management System Certificate No. 02005Q11885R0S