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 YU SHOU 、YU YAN CU  (English)

                                                                         Certificate Information


Congratulations!  You have found a treasure for your health!  Yu Yan® Cu and Yu Shou® Cu are brewed from China, the first country that brewed vinegar dating back to 8th century B.C.!

The elements contained in “Yu Shou Cu” and “Yu Yan Cu” are fundamentally essential to our bodies.  Immediate effects from consumption of “Yu Shou Cu” and “Yu Yan Cu” are relief of headaches, soberness from alcohol drinking, aid in digestive problems including diarrhea and constipation as well as detoxication of skin such as healing of pimples. With long term consumption of “Yu Shou Cu” and “Yu Yan Cu”, it will effectively improve metabolism of carbohydrates and eliminate the incidence of liver diseases, prevent aging from free-radicals, soften blood vessels, lower blood lipids, reduce cholesterol, prevent and treat heavy weight, promote elasticity of skin, fight bacterium in the intestines and lower glucose in urine which prevents diabetes.

Moreover , it heals pimples rapidly and gradually helps skin white and glossy by applying some vinegar on the face for 30 minutes once or twice a day.  We affirm the above through virtual experiencing.

YST Vinegar is confident that the benefits of “Yu Shou Cu” and “Yu Yan Cu” will bring you satisfaction and health. The longer you take YST Vinegar, the more you will admire the wisdom and inexplicable medical knowledge of the Miao race who led us to better health. Up to date, Chinese herbal medicine is still a mystery. Laboratories nowadays can only find out what it is but the how is anonymous.

In addition, vinegar drinking also dispels effects of alcohol, cures constipation and lowers glucose in urine.  At present, vinegar has become one kind of famous food for medical treatment and food treatment instead of just flavouring. In the recent year ,vinegar drinking has been popular in Europe, America, Japan and Korea.

We shall be very pleased and be ready to know that you will like "YU YAN CU" , "YU SHOU CU" gradually and that you are in better health soon!


Listed are the many benefits vinegar offers:

-Aids the prevention of the avian flu (bird flu) and SARS
-Prevention of common cold
-Prevention of Arthritis
-Indigestion from overeating
-Viral Hepatitis and  / or ententis
-Bacterial dysentery
-High blood pressure
-Arterioscierosis and coronary artery disease
-Angina pectoris
-Thyroid swelling
-Night sweats
-Mouth sores (incluing thrush)
-Uterine bleeding
-Vaginal candidiasis & Itching
-Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
-Boils and other inflamed sores
-Traumatic injuries
-Flat warts
-Palmar eczema
-Parenchyomycosis (fungal nails)
-Herpes zoster
-Hair Loss
-Body Odor
-Sweaty feet
-Foot odor


Clinical chemistry Analysis conducted by GuiZhou University has certified that YST Vinegar contains:

•  Protein % 1.49

•  Organic Acid (mg/100ml) 49

•  Sugar (mg/100ml) 18

•  Reductive Candy % 3.35

•  Calcium (mg/100ml) 31.26

•  Phosphorus (mg/100ml) 78.96

•  Iron (mg/100ml) 93.98

•  Flavones (mg/100ml) 106


YST Vinegars are originated from an ancient formula passed down by the mysterious rare “Miao” race of China.  The people of “Miao”race lived in the mountains remote from other races and seemingly far behind from civilizations.  When they were finally contacted, others were fascinated by their talents, especially by their medical knowledge.  The “Miao”people were different in that most of them were very healthy.   The secrets of  Miao's beauty and longevity were eventually discovered  -  “They Took Vinegar Every Meal, Everyday!




Non-contaminated spring water, sweet rice ,jujube, mung bean ,honey, white nut , matevial- ingredients leonurus , liqorice


It is suggested that Yu Shou Cu and Yu Yan Cu to be taken as follows :  (however, consumption amount can vary according to your preference)

•  2-3 spoonfuls during each meal; 2-3 spoonfuls before sleep , approximately 40-60ml    

•  For losing weight, Yu Shou Cu / Yu Yan Cu should be taken half an hour before each meal

For a more tasteful variety, the following may also be mixed with Yu Shou Cu and Yu Yan Cu to better suit your taste!

•  Sprite

•  Ice

•  Honey

•  water

•  Orange juice, Banana, water melon, strawberry, etc. , add ice , mixed with a blender (makes a nice cold healthy drink)

Yu Yan Cu"Yu Yan" ® vinegar is brewed with the mountain water seepage,  high quality "stove mountain" fragrant glutinous rice,  red jujube,  mung bean (first fermentation),  leonurus siribicus (second fermentation),  gingko leaf,  licorice,  bee pollen (third fermentation), as the honey blends in the flavors, then put in the brewing vinegar pot to store until the  32nd day, other steps will follow.  The entire process probably needs 80 to ­90 days.      Consuming Method: Before food or drink directly, approximately 40-60ml     Packing Material: Glass jar, paper carton coverall      Specification: 255ml/Bottle, 255ml*24 bottles. Characteristic: The vinegar body is a black center liquid with red passes through, the feeling in the mouth is chilly, as the vinegar can sweetly stimulates the skin blood capillary, softens the skin cuticle to increase whiteness to the skin, as well as the adjust internal body system and help losing weight.

Yu Shou Cu "Yu Shou" ® vinegar is brewed with the mountain water seepage, high quality "stove mountain" fragrant glutinous rice,  red jujube,  mung bean (first fermentation),  codonopsis pilosula,  American ginseng,  dried orange peel,  ginger (second fermentation),  Eucommia,  gingko leaf,  licorice (third fermentation), as well as honey to blend  in the flavors, then put in the vinegar brewing pot to store until the 32nd day, other steps will follow, the entire process probably needs 80 to 90 days.     Consuming Method: Before food or drink directly, approximately 40-60ml     Packing Material: Glass jar, paper carton coverall     Specification: 255ml/Bottle, 255ml*24 bottles.     Characteristic: The vinegar body is a black center liquid with red passes though , the feeling in the mouth is chilly, the vinegar certainly has positive effect to cardiovascular disease; adjusting the blood fats, dredges the stomach to have the positive effect to your body. 

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• ISO 9001 2000 Zhongdahuayuan Certification Centre (ZDHY) Quality Management System Certificate No. 02005Q11885R0S

                                           xperience True Wellness! 
